Dear Editor,
In the spirit of caring, along with student and staff safety in mind, I write this request to all students and staff who ride bikes along campus sidewalks.
Please slow down. After several near misses over the past few weeks, I am asking folks to start using verbal signals when passing pedestrians on the sidewalks. Calling out loud “passing on your left” would be a good first step. In particular, the areas around Veale Parking Garage and Lot 121, entering the Quad areas and up and down Adelbert Road are almost dangerous in the mornings (peak times appear to be 8-10 a.m.). Bicyclists whiz by, cut across driveways on both sides of the Adelbert Road without warning and in general are cycling too fast given the number of pedestrians on the sidewalks. Add to that the number of cars on the road and we have an accident ready to happen.
I’d also urge cyclists to wear helmets for their own safety. I’m sure for many, the ride from a dorm across campus is a “short” one, but accidents know no boundaries.
If we are all courteous to each other, I am sure we can make commuting via bike a pleasurable experience for all involved.
Thanks for listening.
Leslie Clark