January 2, 2015

The Observer, in coordination with Ignite TV, will be covering the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas from January 6 to January 9. This annual event draws in businesses and entrepreneurs from 140 countries to exhibit their products at the show or to take part in conference sessions and panels. Among the over 3000 exhibits, there will be six booths sponsored by Case Western Reserve University organizations, showcasing seven companies founded by CWRU alumni. These companies include Everykey, Carbon Origins, Event38, Osmisys, Artkick, SpiroSano, and Hema Imaging.

Our team will be following these companies as they work to network in the industry, gain funding, make new partnerships or develop their products to meet consumer needs. We’ll also be on the trade show floor to learn more about upcoming developments in technology and innovation from companies like IBM, 3D Systems, Samsung and Oculus VR. If you’re interested in learning about new tech trends, finding out what it takes to thrive in the consumer technology market or just following the stories of CWRU alumni looking to make a difference through entrepreneurship, follow our stories developing here at observer.case.edu. We’ll also be posting live feeds on Twitter, @cwruobserver, with the hashtag #CWRUatCES, on our Facebook page with photo albums, and short videos on our Youtube channel.

Check out the links below and be sure to reach out to us via any of our social media accounts to let us know what you’d like to see while we cover this epic event. We’ll be updating this page with company profiles, interviews and updates as we continue to develop these stories.

Check out all of our coverage here.


Andrew Hodowanec/Observer

Some of the latest trends shown at the show included wearable technologies and innovations for cars and televisions.


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Andrew Hodowanec/Observer

Six CWRU start-ups presented their ideas at the Consumer Electronics Show with the hopes of gaining recongition and investors.



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