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First Year Guide: Essential dorm shopping guide

Sheets, check. TV, check. Noise-cancelling headphones, check. Blankie, check. I mean, um, not check.

While you may think you have everything you need to make dorm life a comfortable success, there are always things that don’t sound useful until it’s one in the morning, nothing is open, and you just spilled ramen noodles all over the floor.

Here are a few things that will help make dorm living a little easier.

Under-the-bed storage. No matter how high or low you have your bed lofted, there will certainly be room underneath it to store seasonal clothes, shoes, and whatever else you may not always need immediate access to. Target has a plethora of options for storing and organizing all your items while keeping them out of the way.

Whiteboard. While this may not seem necessary at first, it is extremely helpful. You can put one on your door to leave notes for your roomie, keep a list of assignments and due dates, or reminders about upcoming events you want to check out.

Air freshener. Now, I’m not trying to say you are smelly, but it never hurts to have a fabric spray to freshen up your room if you’re expecting company. They are also great as allergen reducers if you don’t get along well with dust bunnies.

Cleaning supplies. On top of making your room smell nice, you can also get rid of the dust bunnies. Grab a small vacuum or Swiffer to clean your floors every now and then. Your socks were white at one point, right?

Closet organizer. Make the most of your closet space with a hanging organizer. You can put anything in it, from shoes to snacks and makeup to movies.