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First Year Guide: Top 5 campus study spots

First Year Guide: Top 5 campus study spots

Even if you were lucky enough to get through high school with minimal studying, let me tell you from first-hand experience, you will need to study at CWRU. It doesn’t matter if you’re here for Aerospace or English – you will be studying. Often.

Is this a bad thing? Of course not! Studying isn’t a chore as long as you are prepared: have all your necessary items ready and organized, and then it’s time to find a spot to settle into.

Everyone has different study habits and patterns, so here are a few different places on campus to combat with calc or converse with Chaucer.


Shh! The third floor of KSL is a great place to go if you like small, quiet spaces. There are oodles of cubbies to hole up in and get to work. Most people head to the quiet study room, but there are also cubbies around the perimeter of the building behind the stacks. I recommend either a corner cubby for extra privacy, or a window cubby to keep you from going crazy if you’re in for an all-day study session.

Spread eagle. There are plenty of places on campus to work if you like having a large area to spread your materials out on. KSL has large tables on all three floors, plus booths in the basement. If you like a little background noise, you can commandeer a table in Nord or the Hovorka Atrium in the Millis building.

Ghost town. I may regret giving away my favorite study-time secret, but here goes: Nord is empty on the weekends. I have spent many a Sunday afternoon walking into the computer lab in my socks to print off notes and study guides completely undisturbed.

Schwing! I doubt you’d ever find Wayne or Garth studying anything other than babes, but Thwing is a great place to set up shop when you have serious work to get done. Spread out on atrium tables, or cozy up in the chairs to get some reading done. You can also grab some food at the Scholar during a study break.

Reservations only. For group projects or study sessions, two or more people can reserve one of the collaboration rooms in the basement or third floor of KSL. Each room contains a whiteboard, large table, and new 42” LED TV with computer hookups — you can even borrow the necessary cables from the front desk. Walk-ins are available, but if you’re on a tight deadline, reserving the room online, at KSL’s website, is your best option.