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Orientation details announced for the next academic year

Orientation details announced for the next academic year

During the first week of school, freshmen and transfer students go through orientation. Orientation isn’t only checking into the residence halls and touring the campus, though. During this first week, students play games, get to know their classmates, and learn about the various activities and options on the Case Western Reserve University campus.

These first-week activities are planned by the Orientation Student Executive Board, with the help of school administrators. Recently, the Office of First-Year Experience and Family Programs named the 2013-2014 school year Orientation Student Executive Board and announced the dates of orientation activities for 2013.

Maryn Cover, Elizabeth Merkel, Aditya Rengaswamy, James Silay, and Eric Vondrak were announced as the new executive board.

The executive board officers assist with the “planning and implementation of New Student and Parent Orientation at CWRU,” according to the CWRU website. The board will select, train, and supervise orientation leaders and help to welcome and reach out to new students and their families during orientation activities.

Requests for comment by the new executive board received no response.

In the fall, International Student Orientation will take place on Aug. 16-17, Pre-Orientation Adventures will occur Aug. 16-18, Parent Orientation will be Aug. 18-19, and new students will have orientation Aug. 18-25.

In addition to fall activities, Spring Transfer Orientation will occur Jan. 11 to welcome the various students coming to CWRU’s campus from other schools.