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RHA Brief

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student organization that focuses on programming, advocacy, and leadership development in the residence halls.

RHA General Body meets every Monday evening to discuss business, such as co-sponsorships for campus events, committee information, leadership opportunities, and other miscellaneous RHA-related events. Its budget is split between executive programming, residential relations, internal development, external communications, administration, public relations, presidential, advisor, and miscellaneous.

At this past week’s meeting on Oct. 8, RHA granted co-sponsorship to Phi Mu’s Hoop-A-Paluza. The event benefits the Children’s Miracle Network and consists of a three-on-three basketball tournament, complete with food and entertainment. The Cleveland Cavaliers’ mascot and the Case Western Reserve University Dance Team will also make appearances. The $300 given by RHA will go towards advertising, food, and game rentals.

The goals of RHA were reviewed in this meeting as well. These goals, made during the RHA mid-level retreat, are to establish mid-level leadership positions, to re-evaluate the greater RHA programming model, to continue active involvement throughout all four years, and to improve RHA’s visibility and involvement in campus events and initiatives.