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RHA Brief

This week was special for the Residence Hall Association – all of its members arrived in costume for the annual Halloween General Body. RHA was informed this week that its bid for Program of the Year was chosen as one of the top three in the region.

Program of the Year is an award given to the most outstanding program in the Central Atlantic region. RHA’s report totaled 20 pages of information about the Res Hall Rendezvous, an event held earlier in the year to introduce residents to their new communities. Because its bid landed in the top three, RHA has the opportunity to present its bid at a regional conference next week.

Last week, RHA’s Upper Class Community Council hosted UCCCtoberfest, which attracted over 350 participants. Tonight from 4 to 7 p.m., RHA’s Magnolia Community Council is holding its annual Jack Bash event.

In addition, the Cleveland Education, Leadership, and Learning Symposium, advertised as CELLS, will be held by Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Nu in Strosacker Auditorium on Saturday, Nov. 3. Phi Mu is also hosting its annual three-on-three basketball philanthropy event, Hoop-A-Paluza.

A major upcoming event for RHA is the Recess Games. The event will debut on Sunday, Nov. 18 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Veale. Teams of four can sign up to compete in activities which include an obstacle course, the construction of a spaghetti and marshmallow bridge, and a spelling bee. The winning team will be the proud owners of a golden lunch tray.