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RHA (in short)

The Residence Hall Association’s General Body meeting occurred in Nord 410 on Monday, Sept. 17. The meeting started with a discussion about co-sponsorships for the Class Officer Collective’s Halloween at Home celebration and the Fall Leadership Conference. Both co-sponsorships were passed.

The Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls 2012 Conference was the next topic of discussion. Benefits and opportunities related to the conference, which will be held at Rutgers University, were mentioned and RHA members were encouraged to apply.

The assembly then reviewed new at-large applications, and Jin-Joo Ha, Vivian Chen, Jaiden Deschene, Christina Momchev, Kenice Gray, Leah Castelaz, Joseph Satterfield, and Andrew Simeroth all become RHA at-large members. This year RHA has a total of 13 at-large members, more than four times the amount of applicants in years past.

Next, the individual committees made their announcements. The residential relations committee spoke about maintenance requests and planning recognition events. The external communications committee reviewed the School of the Year bid from two years ago and discussed its pros and cons. The internal development committee talked about feedback from the RHA retreat this past weekend.

The programming committee discussed an upcoming fall event and the advertising that would need to occur. The public relations committee spoke about RHA’s new Twitter account and possible t-shirt designs. Finally, the ad hoc committee Program of the Year stated what the theme would be and handed out tasks.

The meeting drew to a close with time for open announcements. Some of these were about the Upper Class Community Council having a welcome back barbecue, the fact that all councils should be registered for a homecoming float by Wednesday, Sept. 26, and thanks to those who attended Fast-A-Thon.