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Rock the Vote event reaches campus

Rock the Vote event reaches campus

Rock the Vote’s campaign tour bus descended upon Case Western Reserve University’s campus to try and get more students registered to vote last Sunday, Oct. 1.

Rock the Vote is a non-partisan organization whose mission is to motivate and inspire young people from the millennium generation to use their voices to bring about positive and effective political change. Since its founding in 1990, Rock the Vote has registered more than five million young voters.

“As a college student, it is really important for us to get involved in America’s political system. Although some may think voting does not affect young people, it does,” said CWRU undergraduate Isobel Fetter.

“A lot of the problems our parents face will become our problems in the future. Plus, a lot of us have taken out student loans to come to CWRU, which is a big debate now,” she continued.

In order to accomplish their goal, Rock the Vote partners with artists and musicians from across America in hopes that they will be able to captivate the attention of young people. Former participating artists have included Snoop Lion, the Far East Movement, Justin Timberlake, and

In 2000, Rock the Vote started a college campus bus tour. The bus tour brought artists to college campuses while registering students to vote. DJ Tank was the artist featured during CWRU’s Rock the Vote campus tour.

“I really enjoyed the music and the overall atmosphere of Rock the Vote. It drew me into the event. It rocked,” said undergraduate Tyler Clary.

In addition, CWRU students had the opportunity to taste and take home free samples of MiO liquid water enhancers and Kiefer breakfast smoothies, as well as get a sneak peek of the highly anticipated video game “Assassins Creed III.”

“I thought the event was very well-put together, and everyone who was on the Rock the Vote staff and the volunteers were friendly. I also really liked sampling the smoothies and MiO,” said undergraduate Elishma Kanu.

For students who have still not registered to vote, the final day to register is Oct. 9, 2012. General election voting will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.