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Sex and Dating: You get what you pay for

It is not uncommon for party hosts to charge men a few bucks to get in and let ladies in for free. This doesn’t just happen at CWRU; it is standard at a lot of bars, clubs, and other campuses as well.

Personally, I find this phenomenon disgusting, and a bit sexist.

If you want money for your alcohol, why don’t you just make your party BYOB? Afraid of fridge-raiders? Get a very large cat who hates strangers to sit in front of your fridge. Nobody will be able to get past its razor-sharp claws and piercing squeals of anger (other than you)!

Another thing that irks me about these kinds of soirées is that they can inadvertently encourage not-so-gentlemanly men who haven’t “gotten it in” lately to check out the free goods (and probably attempt to get them sloshed).

Is that just a gross assertion? Yes. But does it happen from time to time? Yes. Why would a guy pay to party when he can party for free elsewhere? Probably because “elsewhere” is usually full of limp sausages.

If you are a lady attending a party where the guys have to throw down cash to get in, it would be wise to come in a group, and to not get so trashed that you forget how you got there or where your underwear is.

Don’t be “that girl” who always gets naked when she drinks. Also, don’t stand on the stairs in a Village suite and ask “Who wants me to take my shirt off?!” While every guy there will be whooping and hollering with excitement, I can almost promise you that after the shirt comes off, those guys will assume you are a sleep-around kind of girl, and treat you accordingly.

If you want to act like all you care about is sexual attention, be prepared to be treated like a condom purchased from a vending machine in the freshman dorms: bought awkwardly and hurriedly, used poorly, and thrown away after 10 minutes.

While there is a strong chance of bad apples attending “money-from-men, free-for-females” parties, there can also be good guys who will make sure you get home safely. CWRU does have a lot of nice and respectful men, even if some of them aren’t the most socially adept.