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Someone call the Dating Doctor!

Someone call the Dating Doctor!

“If beauty were measured in milk, you’d be a cow.” Advice: No. For goodness sake do not say this to a woman this Valentine’s Day. Do not say it before or after Valentine’s Day, either.

Other notable no-no’s include “Hey, baby, I’m a pirate, now give me all of your booty” and “My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.” According to “Dating Doctor” David Coleman, who has memorized over 1100 pickup lines and who has actually copyrighted the title “Dating Doctor,” men should be leery of horrible pickup lines. Instead, simply approach and say hello to the woman that catches your eye.

Before single-folk beat themselves up this Valentine’s Day, students should take a hint from Coleman, who visited campus on Wednesday, Feb. 8 to sharet his expertise on life, love, and everything in between.

Coleman is considered America’s real-life “Hitch,” popularized by actor Will Smith from the movie of the same name. He has been voted National Speaker of the Year three times by the National Association of Campus Activities and ten times by Campus Activities Magazine, and was recently honored as the 2011 National Entertainer of the Year. He has appeared on radio and television networks such as CNN and featured in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, USA Today, and The New York Times.

Greek Life and Mortar Board welcomed Coleman to the Temple Tifereth at 7 p.m. Wednesday, where nearly 300 students showed their eager and ready-to-be-enlightened faces. Coleman, who attended Bowling Green State University, has written books on healthy relationships and has delivered his empowering speeches for over 20 years. Case Western Reserve Universtity students are among nearly two million individuals Coleman’s message has reached.

Half of Coleman’s job is delivering his inspirational speeches, which highlight the ins and outs of relationships, dating, romance, sex, marriage, and divorce. The other half of his time is spent working one-on-one with clients in need of the Dating Doctor’s personal attention. He works through issues concerning abusive relationships, loneliness, and divorce (with which he is no stranger).

Coleman speaks to large groups to enthrone the concept of self-worth. Coleman strives to make individuals “their own greatest walking ambassadors.” As Coleman puts it, “If you wouldn’t choose to date yourself, how would you expect someone else to?”

At the temple, Coleman shared his view of relationships and how to make them healthier and happier. However, for those not in love, the Dating Doctor’s advice extends to relationships with bosses, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances and can help you lead yourself down a more successful social path.

This February, daters should remember Coleman’s “ABC’s of Initial Interest” as they search for the love they desire once and for all. Remember the ABC’s: A – Attraction, B – Believability, C – Chemistry (think more than physical!), and D – Desire. Be aware of your body language.

Don’t be so available that you cannot break from the friend zone, and always steer clear of pickup lines that will most likely put more distance between you and a woman than it would bring you closer to removing her clothing. And Coleman’s main piece of Valentine’s Day advice: give your gift early. Men, leave your valentine a handwritten note on the 13th that lets her know that no woman as wonderful and special as her should have to wait another day.