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Spartan Spotlight – Maggie Dillione

Maggie Dillione is a junior on the women’s swimming and diving team. Dillione is from Newtown, PA and is majoring in Biology/Pre-Med.

Ben Yavitt: Maggie, it’s so great you could join me. Lets start this off as usual. How long have you been a swimmer?

Maggie Dillione: 16 years.

BY: Straight outta the kiddie pool. Who inspired you to start swimming?

MD: My mom, most likely, because she was tired of putting on my floaties every day.

BY: At the age of four, you must have had a lot of floaties. Do you have any hobbies or extra curricular activities?

MD: Watching cute animal videos and praying that Philadelphia sports get better this year.

BY: Stick to watching the cute animals. Who is your favorite athlete?

MD: Kyle Tepe, because he knows my best times better than I do. Also, have you seen that beard?

BY: I haven’t. I just heard rumors that there was another beard underneath that beard. Do you have any athletic honors?

MD: Nancy Gray Rookie of the Year, Team Captain, All-UAA

BY: Quite a collection. What about the academic honors?

MD: They have those…?

BY: Maybe at other schools. I have no idea, I just needed to ask you. It is standard protocol. What is your best swimming memory?

MD: The time I got a hug from Emily Wylam after my 100 fly at the Wooster Invite this year. 

BY: Touching. What about your worst swimming memory?

MD: The time I got a hug from Emily Wylam after my 100 fly at the Wooster Invite this year.

According to Dillione, Ryan Lochte is one thing that makes swimming stand out

BY: Ok, now I am confused. Anyways, what is your favorite quote?

MD: “Bro, do you even lift?”BY: Ahh that question will define our generation. Good choice. Do you even lift? Actually, let me ask you this: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

MD: Hopefully, I will be getting off to a great start as a doctor in the military.

BY: Good luck. What do you think makes swimming stand out from other sports?

MD: Ryan Lochte, Nathan Adrian, and Michael Phelps.

BY: OK, nuff said. Would you rather have the strength of 1,000 men, be able to fly, or be invisible?MD: Well, since I already have the strength of 1,000 men, I’d probably go with invisibility.

Blake Lively is Maggie’s self-described doppelganger

BY: I guess you do lift. If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you and why?

MD: Blake Lively, we’re practically identical.

BY: What is your least favorite thing about swimming?

MD: The smell of chlorine that never really goes away.

BY: Try using a mixture of warm water and baking soda. It can also effectively clean and shine your hair. If you could be a guy for one day, what would you do?

MD: Forget being a guy for a day, I want to be Beyonce. Did you see that halftime show?

BY: I didn’t. The power went out at my house. If you could participate in any other sport, which would you pick and why?

MD: Probably tug-of-war because it is a demonstration of pure strength. Did you know that it was an Olympic sport in the early 1900s?…Wikipedia it.

BY: I had no idea. I will remember it though. It should come in handy when I become a professional game-show contestant. What would we find in your locker right now that might surprise us?

MD: You wouldn’t find anything because it’s actually clean…that’s the surprise.

BY: I have never gotten that response before. Good job at keeping a clean locker. What is one think that most people don’t know about swimming?

MD: If your racing suit takes you less than 15 minutes to put on, it’s a good day.

BY: What if it takes less than 15 minutes to take off? Think about that one. Anyways, what goes through your mind during a race?

MD: A lot of water.

BY: Never thought about it like that. What is the high point of the swimming season?

MD: Going to conference and swimming against some of the best Division III swimmers in the nation.

BY: I watched UAA Championships last season when we hosted it in Veale. It was pretty amazing. Who is the best athlete you have ever competed with and why?

MD: Kevin Kamlowsky. Just ask him, he’s a great swimmer.

BY: It is on my to-do list. Any insights on how the season is going so far?

MD: The dual meet season went really well and now we’re getting ready for some fast swimming at UAAs. I am excited to see what the team can accomplish!

BY: As I always say, good luck! Thanks again, Maggie.