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Spartan Spotlight: Tom Summers

Spartan Spotlight: Tom Summers

Tom Summers is a senior on the men’s basketball team. He is from Murrysville, Pa. and is majoring in finance.


Ben Yavitt: Tom, welcome. How long have you been playing basketball?

Tom Summers: I’ve participated in basketball for as long as I can remember. I started playing when I was eight or nine and have played ever since.

BY: That might be a new record. Who inspired you to play?

TS: My dad inspired me to play. He realized that the only sport a tall, uncoordinated kid could play was basketball. He would tell me to stand in the middle, close my eyes, and put my hands up in the air. Believe it or not, it has worked for me and is still how I play the game.

BY: Words of wisdom. Who is your favorite athlete?

TS: Tiger Woods. I am patiently waiting for him to get out of his slump and get back to his winning ways.

BY: He knows his key to success: he just needs to stick with it. What is your best basketball memory?

TS: My best memory is from this year when we played at Rochester. In the second half of the game, our star freshman Brian Klements was in and Coach called a play for him. There was a perfect screen and a perfect alley-oop pass to him. He jumped up in the air, caught it in two hands, and crushed it over Rochester’s center. Our bench went nuts. He had been hyping himself up all season about how he was such a good dunker, and when it came down to game time he was able to back it up. He made the dunk way better than any of us expected. He is very modest and didn’t want anyone to know about that play, but it was unreal. Ladies, just helping you out. Once again, Brian Klements: stud freshman, very cute, very single.

BY: For sure. Ladies, keep him in mind. What is your worst basketball memory?

TS: Losing a fight to Tim Maleski on the beach while our team was in Brazil. Need I say more? I mean, look at the kid…

BY: Just push that memory deep down and never let it out again. What is your favorite quote?

TS: “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.”

BY: Applicable to everyday life. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

TS: Working in my own law firm – Summers and Associates. Representing Timmy. Chunga, attempting to get his green card back for him so he no longer has to be deported.

BY: Giving back to the community. I like it. What makes basketball stand out from other sports?

TS: The reason basketball stands out is it’s the only sport where players are accountable for both offense and defense. All the real athletes play basketball.

BY: Bold statement. If you could invite any three people to dinner, living or dead, who would it be and why?

TS: Bobby Knight because he is arguably the best coach ever to coach in the game of basketball. Muhammad Ali because he is the best trash talker ever to play a sport. I mean, who doesn’t love flashy players like that? Lastly, I would pick Jennifer Aniston strictly for conversation.

BY: Quite a collection. If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?

TS: Robert Scott, simply because of his boyish good looks and I feel like he is one of the only people who really understands what it takes to be Tom Summers.

BY: Sounds familiar. What is your least favorite thing about basketball?

TS: David Thompson,“the freshman.”

BY: It is always “the freshman,” isn’t it? If you could participate in any other sport, which would you choose?

TS: I would 100 percent say golf. Not only does it not involve any form of running, but it requires goofy pants and a fat ass.

BY: Just like disco dancing. What goes through your mind during a game?

TS: Why is our tallest player attempting another three? Key word being “attempting.” Doesn’t he know that only actual shooters are supposed to shoot outside the arc?

BY: I am thinking the same thing when I watch the Cavs play. Finish the sentence: Basketball is like a girl…

TS: Because it’s all about penetration and the occasional backdoor cut for a cheap basket.

BY: Well said. Who is the best athlete you have ever competed with?

TS: The best athlete I have ever played with is former Case superstar Eric Duerr. He was the perfect person to base my game on with the combination of speed, power, and the ability to shoot the deep ball. The main thing he taught me was that using all of my fouls was a good thing, a statement that my coach doesn’t agree with.

BY: As I recall, he does have the best three-point shooting average in the history of the NCAA with 100 percent. Pretty amazing. Any insights on the season so far?

TS: This season has been a season of streaks with many highs and lows. Currently we are in a little rut, but looking to finish strong in our last three games and end on a high note.

BY: Good luck to you. Thanks a lot for stopping by, Tom!