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USG Brief

Case Western Reserve University’s Undergraduate Student Government blazed through the agenda Tuesday evening at its General Assembly meeting. Officers and representatives highlighted the week’s important topics, focusing especially on the rapidly approaching USG elections.

USG president Minh-Tri Nguyen opened up the committee reports portion of the meeting with information about one of the campus’ hottest issues: the SEC Greek Life referendum. Many on campus oppose the Student Executive Council’s (SEC) decision last semester to cut 20 percent of Greek Life’s Student Activities Fund allocation from the SAF. The Interfraternity Congress and Panhellenic Council teamed to create a petition for a referendum in the hopes of reversing the SEC’s decision. Nguyen announced on Tuesday that that referendum will run concurrently with USG elections, which are to take place next Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 8 and 9.

He cautioned that “the SEC has promoted a non-partisan approach” to the referendum with regards to student advertising around the campus, asking students to promote their causes with consideration and respect.

Vice president of student life Divya Aggarwal spoke about last week’s safety meetings in the freshman residential colleges. She praised Officer Mark and Dr. Kenney for doing an excellent job of educating students about campus safety concerns, especially around the intersection of Cornell Road and Euclid Avenue.

Aggarwal also vocalized many students’ recent complaints about the quality of the food served in campus dining halls. She also plans to inquire about the possibility of adding more card swipe stations to reduce the recently swelling lines at the entrances. She will be meeting with Jim O’Brien of Bon Appétit on Friday, Sept. 3 to discuss those concerns.

On a more leisurely note, representative Alayna Dorobek announced that USG will participate in intramural sports this school year, including flag football. She hopes it will help USG’s members take a break from their busy schedules and continue to learn how to work as a team.

The caucus reports section of the meeting was rather brief. Representative Michael Ianetti expressed that the Weatherhead School of Management’s caucus wants to meet with the heads of other school caucuses to discuss its direction. “We want to rebrand our image and get our name out there,” said Ianetti

The elections update briefing centered on the freshman representatives to be chosen in next week’s USG elections. Representative Keith Lupton informed the G.A that of the 10 freshman dormitories and the commuter students, only Taft House had failed to produce at least one letter of intent by the time of Tuesday night’s meeting. In total, USG had received sixteen letters of intent as of Tuesday evening. Lupton explained that there has been no lack of effort on USG’s part. “We just went door to door, or rather dorm to dorm, and talked to people about USG,” he explained.

The only new business conducted was the unanimous selection of Representative Dorobek as USG’s Homecoming Representative. Her responsibilities mainly revolve around planning the parade as well as various other activities throughout Homecoming weekend.

During the open forum, it was announced that the USG newsletter will now be distributed every two weeks and will include campus news, board reports, and other important University affairs. Finally, vice president of finance Colin Downey stated some concern that there is not a sufficient awareness of his office hours among the student body. Downey is available in the USG office to meet on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and Thursday from 9-9:45 a.m. and 1-2 p.m.