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USG Brief

The General Assembly (GA) of Case Western Reserve University’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) convened in the Toepfer Room of Adelbert Hall on April 11, 2012. The meeting began with the open representative positions in the USG caucuses. The vacancy has been filled in the College of Arts and Sciences caucus; nominations remain open for vacancies in the College of Engineering and the Weatherhead School of Management caucuses.

The GA moved on to two pieces of legislation. Bill B. 21-27 modifies the USG funding bylaws to give USG more flexibility in funding student organizations, as well as allowing for the approval of student group recognition one week earlier than the original week 14 deadline. This was done so that groups may have the benefit of being recognized for participation in events like the Student Activities Fair over the summer. The GA also discussed B. 21-28, which deals with approving mass funding for groups for fall 2012.

Three student groups approached the GA about mass funding: the National Association for Music Education, the CWRU Water Polo Club, and Kids Against Hunger (KAH). All were hoping to increase the funds they had received after mass funding and appeals to the Finance committee.

While the first group was awarded more funding, the other two did not. KAH concerned the GA because its main financial focus veered away from CWRU undergraduates, who are the primary responsibility of the GA. CWRU Water Polo Club wanted more funding for lifeguards in Veale to supervise their practices. However, the lifeguards are students, meaning that by funding the lifeguard fees, USG would be funding student salaries, which is against USG funding bylaws.

There was a long discussion on this issue, as representatives had to find a way to obey their own rules while providing as much assistance as possible. The matter was referred to the Student Life and Finance committees, who will work with the Water Polo Club on the matter and negotiate a solution with Veale.

After the legislation, nominations for four executive positions opened: speaker of the assembly, secretary, treasurer, and the newly created position of internal development chair. Considering the prominence of these positions, representatives were enthusiastic with their nominations. The nominations will remain open for two more weeks.