Top 10 Albums of 2014
January 10, 2015

6. “Alvvays”—Alvvays
“Alvvays” is the sound of indie-pop perfected in 2014, with dreamy sonic portraits that evoke the warmth of falling in love for the first time and the melancholy of falling out of it.
(Recommended Tracks: “Adult Diversion,” “Archie, Marry Me” and “Next of Kin”)

7. “Are We There”—Sharon Van Etten
“Are We There” is the sound of an artist operating at the height of her powers, finding Sharon Van Etten’s transfixing voice navigating ballads with seemingly borderless confidence and command.
(Recommended Tracks: “Afraid Of Nothing,” “Your Love Is Killing Me” and “Every Time the Sun Comes Up”)

8. “Wild Onion”—Twin Peaks
Chicago’s best and brightest, Twin Peaks borrow classic rock tropes to create a sprawling masterpiece of nuanced pop songs played with just the right mix of frenzied energy and swagger.
(Recommended Tracks: “I Found A New Way,” “Sloop Jay D” and “Telephone”)

9. “St. Vincent”—St. Vincent
To date, “St. Vincent” is Anne Clark’s most realized and satisfying album, delivering a fascinating mix of direct yet avant-garde pop songs that solidify her place as the musical chameleon of our time.
(Recommended Tracks: “Prince Johnny,” “Digital Witness” and “Severed Crossed Fingers”)

10. “Sun Structures”—Temples
Backward looking and forward sounding, “Sun Structures” is a modern psychedelic classic that blurs the lines between past and present and could easily pass as a musical time capsule from 1967.
(Recommended Tracks: “Shelter Song,” “Mesmerize” and “Move With The Season”)