CWRU passes baton for cancer research
Case Western Reserve University, the Seidman Cancer Center of University Hospitals, and the Cleveland Clinic have all joined the Baton Pass, a national movement focused on raising money for cancer research.
The Baton Pass, which medical diagnostics equipment company Siemens introduced on Good Morning America on March 19, raises funds for Stand Up to Cancer, or SU2C, an organization that supports innovative cancer research. The Baton has been passed all around the United States, and has been passed a total of over 900,000 times.
Siemens donates $1 for every pass of the Baton, physically or virtually through Facebook. In Cleveland, the Baton was passed by staff, physicians, researchers, patients and even a Spider-Man impersonator. The Baton was also passed to the Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute at Rainbow Babies and Children Hospitals, where it traveled to the Cleveland Clinic and then on to CWRU’s National Center for Regenerative Medicine Cancer Stem Cell Conference at the Cleveland Convention Center.
“The phenomenal progress in the field of cancer research that is being advanced by collaborative scientists at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the National Center for Regenerative Medicine is greatly assisted by the focus and support Siemens and Stand Up to Cancer bring to the goal we are all working toward, making progress towards a cure for cancer,” said Stanton L. Gerson, director at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Seidman Cancer Center, and National Center for Regenerative Medicine in a statement to The Daily.