CWRU Thoughts
The Case Western Reserve University community is known for thinking beyond the possible. Each week, this column aims to capture a slice of campus life.
Q: What would you say is a flaw that has helped you throughout life?
A: I’m not one of the most social people, but it gives me something to strive to achieve and something to work for. I did public speaking, debate in high school and things like that that forced me to be put out of my comfort zone. When I’m put out of my comfort zone, I actually feel more comfortable.
Q: What do you feel has been your greatest achievement?
A: I spent 100+ hours helping sick children in a hospital. It inspired me to help more people. I had a lot of fun helping the little kids, and I’d like to do more of that in the future. There was one kid that was really sick—I worked with him for 3 weeks—and he went from not being able to get up to running around in circles. I was really happy to see that.
Maria Fazal is a senior majoring in psychology and bioethics. She is the Arts & Entertainment Editor for The Observer. Hailing from a small Ohioan...