Downtown Cleveland lights up
“Cheap, free and a must-see”
Downtown Cleveland has several light displays up through the holiday season, all within walking distance of one another.
December 5, 2014
Location: Downtown Cleveland
Price: Free
What’s the cheapest thing you can do during your winter break?
There are a few different answers to that question, but when you consider a free, Case Western Reserve University-supplied Rapid Transit Authority pass and what’s going on downtown, an easy answer is: Holiday light-seeing.
A quick stroll through Public Square lets anyone see the array of lights set up just outside of Tower City, strung through rows of trees. After a quick walk downtown, Cleveland Playhouse (CPH) also has a free event just a short walk away, called Festival of Trees.
This event, held at Allen Theatre, is open for public viewing through Dec. 30, and is open every day of the week with various hours. Festival of Trees includes dozens of designer Christmas trees put together by CPH itself. No RSVP is required.
Plus, if this hasn’t been crossed off of your bucket list yet, the world’s largest permanent crystal chandelier and new neon lights in Playhouse Square are waiting to be checked out, too. And you never know, you might see the Sax Man performing outside the doors of a theatre.
Check out Downtown Cleveland’s lights free of charge with just a quick zip down the Healthline or Red Line and a 20-minute walk between destinations.