Getting to Know Royal Teeth
Louisiana-based band will perform at the Grog Shop, Nov. 30
Hailing from the great state of Louisiana, Royal Teeth released their first EP, “Act Naturally,” in 2011 and their sophomore EP titled “Amateurs” drops from Round Hill Records Nov. 18. After listening to a few songs I can attest that their music is pleasantly energetic with infinitely more depth than the repetitive sex-charged pop flooding the radio right now. Lyrically their songs are lovely and happy—especially the new, “Kids Conspire,” which they describe as “an anthem of possibility and youth.” With giddy beats, strong vocals from leads Nora Patterson and Gary Larsen and catchy hooks, Royal Teeth’s songs are a nice break from the cold outside and the hours spent studying.
I had the chance to interview Royal Teeth a few weeks before they come to Cleveland on Nov. 30. The indie pop group will be opening for Rooney, the alternative rock band behind 2007’s “When Did Your Heart Go Missing?”, at the Grog Shop. With Royal Teeth promising “to get on the floor and have a personal dance party with you,” the show is sure to be fun.
Q: Have you guys ever performed in Cleveland before? If so, where?
A: This is actually our fourth time in Cleveland. We have played Peabody’s, the Grog Shop (once before), and the Beachland Ballroom.
Q: What drew you to the Grog Shop, a venue generally associated with “harder,” so to speak, acts?
A: Honestly, for us it was just the way the tour was routed. We are opening for Rooney so we don’t have control over the venue choices. We are happy that we are stopping in Cleveland though!
Q: How has the last year been given the release of the upcoming EP?
A: Things are starting to pick up, so we are excited. If feels like it did back when the band first took off, and we love it. Once we get going we tend to push ourselves as far as we can. We are hoping that this EP is the beginning of a new start for us.
Q: Will the show in Cleveland showcase new music, old music or a mixture?
A: The show will have a mixture. We are hoping fans from the past few years will be there so we want to play music that they know and love. We are most excited about the new music so we will be mixing in a good bit from Amateurs.
Q: How excited are you guys to perform with Rooney?
- This is our second leg of tour with Rooney. The first half was a blast. so we are super excited to keep it rolling.
Q: What is the best part of performing together?
A: [We] think the vibes at these shows have been great. Rooney has wonderful fans that love to have a good time and are open to new music, so we have felt a very warm reception from them. Our fans seem to be doing the same for Rooney, so it’s great to see people come together and discover new music.
Q: I too am from the South, so I’m super excited to see a band from down there coming up. How does the rest of the country compare to the South for you?
A: [We] love to travel and experience new places. [We] have fallen in love with other parts of the world but [we]’ll always call Louisiana home. [We] wouldn’t mind getting rid of the humidity though.