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Letter to the Editor: Proud to be Greek

Next week an important decision will be put in front of the student body. Tucked into the freshmen [USG] elections is a referendum that was petitioned for last year. The referendum is to decide whether or not Greek Life on this campus should remain fully funded.

Greek Life on this campus is one of best aspects of campus life. There are reasons that the only categories Case received an A+ on College Prowler are Computers and Greek Life. Case’s Greeks set the standard for what is expected of a great student organization. They provide social outlets for individuals to get together and work to better themselves and the community around them. Greeks choose to value above all else the core ideals of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship. While it is very easy to say pretty words about the wonders of Greek Life but here are some facts that prove that we practice what we preach.

Leadership: While Greeks make up only 30 percent of the undergraduate student body, two-thirds of Orientation Leaders are Greek, 70 percent of those students elected to represent the student body at USG are Greek, as are nearly three quarters of the Student Turning Point Society

Scholarship: Contrary to the typical stereotypes of Greeks, Case’s All Greek GPA is actually higher than the All Undergraduate GPA and as a community we work hard to maintain this. Each chapter also has a scholarship chair that works with struggling members to devise study plans and methods to improve.

Citizenship: Greeks are great citizens both at Case and in the greater Cleveland area. At Case we use our membership and our money to support worthy causes giving approximately $7000 per semester in support to campus activities to allow unique events to thrive on this campus from the Thwing Study Over to Relay for Life and even the Math Gala. Many of our campus’s greatest annual events could not be nearly as successful without Greek support. Greeks also go out into the community. Last year alone, Greeks completed nearly a year and a half of community service or 12,047 hours and raised $47,000 in donations for great causes such as the Cleveland Food Bank and Service for Sight.

But more than these facts and figures, Greek Life provides certain intangibles that no other student organization on campus provides. Greek Life provides a place to grow into something more than you are now. Greek Life changes the life of every one of its members. Whether it is a small but significant change of just providing a home away from home or it’s the more significant change as it was for me – taking a shy, nerdy, Wisconsin boy who was moving out of his comfort zone for the first time and shaping him into a campus leader who is outspoken in his passion for this University and the Greek Life it supports – the Greek System will leave an impression on you. The lifelong friendships and lessons I have gained from this system will stick with me forever and I want for every student who enters the halls of Case Western Reserve University to have the same opportunity I and so many others have had. Loss of funding won’t kill the 169 year long tradition of Greek Life on campus, it is too strong for that, but it may allow it to slip into the cheap imitation of Greek Life that is seen on far too many campuses across this county. I ask you, the students of Case Western, to not allow such a disservice to your campus.

Matt Richter

President, Order of Omega

President, Theta Chi Fraternity