Marc Sturzl
Year: Second
Major: Computer Engineering
Hometown: Caribou, Maine
What is your biggest goal for USG in the 2014-2015 Academic Year?
To increase awareness of USG within the School of Engineering outiside of club sseeking funding. Particularly I want students to be more aware of teh business of USG, e.g. their newsletters.
Other campus positions outside of USG:
Lunabotics, Leader of Systems and Control
Team Sigma Nu, House Manager
Prior USG experience / initiatives undertaken
Undergraduate Representative on the Faculty Senate Committee on Information, Communication and Technology – I vote on the committee and report to the USG committee on IT. I would like to increase awareness of USG and their undertaking among undergraduate students.
What is the biggest issue you see your position having to face? How do you specifically plan on tackling it?
It is difficult to gauge the opinions of undergraduate students on topics that FSCICT is working on. Currently I talk to as many people as I can to figure out common opinions and talk to more experienced members of USG to find good ways to proceed on these ideas. I would like to find some other platform where current issues could be presented to students for feedback.