Officer Mark Chavis leaves CWRU PD
The crosswalks of Euclid have been a little quieter this year following the departure of Officer Mark Chavis from the university.
According to Sgt. Jeffrey Daberko of the Case Western Reserve University Police Department, Chavis left early this summer to “pursue other opportunities.” His departure, however, went fairly under the radar, without any official university announcement.
Chavis was a staple of the university, giving students high-fives and encouraging messages on the way to class. He even has a Facebook fan page that has racked up nearly 3,000 likes, despite not having posted since 2010.
Chavis joined the university in 2003 as a security guard and moved to his familiar Euclid post in 2006, when the Euclid Corridor construction was just beginning.
“Everybody needs a little bit of help, regardless of the situation you may be in, good or bad,” Chavis told The Observer last year about his position as an impromptu counselor for many students. “Everybody has broken gaps in their lives, and I’ve always found myself trying to fill in gaps for those individuals.”

Julia Bianco is a senior cognitive science and political science student currently working as The Obsever’s Director of Web and Multimedia. She has...