Music and Fun
Friday, Jan. 26
What: CWRU Department of Music Colloquium
Where: Harkness Chapel Classroom
Time: 4 p.m.
Notes: Free admission; Case Western Reserve University’s Elizabeth Tracy (CWRU)
“Innovators in the Classroom: In-Service Teachers Creating and Implementing Secondary Non-Band, -Choir, and -Orchestra Courses.” Reception to follow.
What: New Opera Works Festival: “Bernarda Alba” Libretto Reading (and Jan. 27 & 28 at varied times with different works performed each time)
Where: Maltz Performing Arts Center
Time: 7:30-10 p.m.
Notes: Free admission but online reservations are encouraged; annual festival to create, develop and perform new opera. Visit their website to reserve tickets and for a schedule.
What: Make America Jolly Again
Where: Jolly Scholar
Time: 10 p.m.-2 a.m.
Notes: Drink specials, $5 hat for sale that lets you taste every Jolly beer.
Saturday, Jan. 27
What: Groundhog Fun Day
Where: Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Time: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Notes: General admission; live animal demonstrations and woodchuck-themed crafts.
What: Apollo’s Fire Family Concert
Where: Cleveland Public Library
Time: 11 a.m.-noon
Notes: Free admission; Cleveland’s internationally acclaimed Baroque orchestra concert performs and audiences can play instruments, learn music trivia and win prizes.
What: 90s Dance Party!
Where: CLE Urban Winery
Time: 7-10 p.m.
Notes: 90s dance music and fun with DJ DIVA
What: CWRU Music Lecture-Recital
Where: Harkness Chapel
Time: 7 p.m.
Notes: Free admission; “Strophic Variation in Trouvere Chansons” with Nathan Dougherty.
Reception to follow.
What: Jolly Iron Chef Bake-Off and Coloring Contest
Where: Jolly Scholar
Time: 10 p.m.-2 a.m.
Notes: Prepare the best chocolate chip cookies and win prizes. Every entry is a $5 donation to Rainbow Babies. Color the best and receive a gift certificate.

Sarah Parr is a fourth-year at Case Western Reserve University and has been involved with The Observer since day one: she was the social media editor for...