Student awards become inclusive of more organizations
Following student feedback on the requirements for two of the Dr. Dorothy Pijan Student Leadership Awards, the Student Leadership Awards Committee has voted to broaden the range of students who are eligible to win them.
Before this vote, the “Outstanding Club/Organization Member” and “Outstanding Club/Organization Officer” awards were open only to students in organizations under the Undergraduate Student Government or the Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative. That excluded students in the University Program Board, the Class Officer Collective, organizations under the University Media Board and others.
On Thursday, Jan. 28, the committee decided to remove the descriptors from these two awards, so now they are open to members of any university recognized student groups.
“It has always been our goal to create an awards ceremony that celebrates the richness and diversity of student club and organization life on campus and we hope that this change will allow us to recognize more students while keeping the spirit of the awards,” said Kelly Levine, a graduate assistant in the Office of Student Activities and Leadership.
As in past years, the committee will also be allowed to select multiple honorees for awards, if they feel that more than one nominee deserve the award.
Nominations for the awards are open until Feb. 21 and can be made through OrgSync.

Aquene Kimmel, Director of Web and Multimedia, is a fourth-year English and French major. She is also Editor-in-Chief of The Athenian and a member of Pi...