Playlist of the Week: Sept. 16-22
Playlist of the Week: Sept. 16-22
Waste a Moment- Kings of Leon
Kings of Leon will always have a special place in my heart because their lead vocalist is so talented. The Tennessee southern-rock band released “Waste a Moment” Sept. 9 off their forthcoming album “Walls”.
White Flag- Joseph
This song is upbeat indie-folk from the Portland, Ore. group Joseph. This song is one of the most popular songs from their recently released album “I’m Alone, No You’re Not.” Joseph is a trio of three sisters, and their group was featured on Spotify this week, which means you might be hearing more about Joseph soon.
Coming Down- Halsey
If you didn’t discover the edgy, gritty pop artist Halsey until her collaboration with the Chainsmokers (“Closer”), you can catch up by binge-listening to her album “BADLANDS.” “Coming Down” is her chiller, more acoustic song off the album.
Chicago- Sufjan Stevens
This song continues the indie/folkish/acoustic sound for this playlist. The musicality of Sufjan Stevens is incredible and “Chicago” was used for the “Veronica Mars” soundtrack. It definitely sounds like it could accompany movie moments.
Welcome to your Life- Grouplove
Grouplove released “Big Mess” Sept. 9, and “Welcome to Your Life” is similar to past tracks like “Tongue Tied” and “Ways to Go” with their electro-sound and upbeat lyrics. “Welcome to your Life” starts the album with “Hey, here’s the deal. We’re back in business,” which makes me excited to listen to the rest of the album.

Alex Clarke is a senior with majors in english and psychology and a minor in marketing. She also writes for Trill Mag, wrote for McClatchy newspapers for...