Reyna: Democrats face an oversaturated 2020 primary

Whether we like it or not, the 2020 presidential campaign race has started. The Democratic party is desperate to win back the Oval Office, and I am in favor of their efforts. Personally, I believe President Donald Trump hasn’t done a great job, only causing greater divisiveness in our country and generally acting poorly as a leader. It’s time for another party to take charge for a little while.

At the time of this writing, 11 Democrats have officially announced that they are running to be president of the United States and many others are considering a run. Although this is a large list of Democrats running, there are a couple who stand out most to me. As a result of the sheer number of choices, I won’t be able to cover them all.

First is Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey. He is one of the big names on the list. Recently, he has focused on criminal justice reform and has a good fundraising base. He is a gifted orator and kind-hearted man but has some imperfections during his time as the mayor of Newark, New Jersey.

Julian Castro from Texas, the housing secretary under President Barack Obama, is also running. Some of his main platforms are universal pre-kindergarten as well as pushing for immigration reform. He is a big Hispanic candidate but may have some difficulty fundraising in Texas if former-Rep. Beto O’Rourke also runs.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand from New York is one of the leading liberal voices in the Senate. She was the first senator to publicly call for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She has a conservative history but has leaned more and more left recently, which may actually cause problems regarding ideological unification.

Sen. Kamala Harris from California is recognizable to many Democrats. She is a powerful senator whose questioning of cabinet and Supreme Court nominees made her a household name. Her plan for a middle-class tax cut may gain her some momentum from middle-class voters, but being a California Democrat will probably hurt her chances of getting moderate independents to vote for her.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts is another high profile name. She is one of the most recognizable Democrats in the country who is not afraid to fight Trump. She is a major opponent of big corporations but does have a weakness in her recent claims of her Native American heritage, which has only incurred more of Trump’s wrath.

These are the current big names who have officially announced a presidential run. Other figures such as former Vice President Joe Biden, O’Rourke and Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) may enter the race.

Despite the wide variety of candidates, I think it is a horrible idea for so many Democrats to run at once. Having too many people run distracts voters. Voters will feel overwhelmed during the primaries, and it leads to them voting without having done their research.

If the Democrats want to have a winning chance, they need to quickly figure out who has a genuine chance to win the Oval Office. Personally, I believe it may come down to Biden, Harris and O’Rourke.

I believe these three individuals have enough political power and good platforms to beat Trump in the 2020 general election. Whoever gets the Democratic nomination, I hope he or she runs a good campaign with goals that will benefit all Americans.

Only time will tell, though, what will come from this list in the coming months.

Christian Reyna is a first-year biomedical engineering major who is also planning on obtaining a Spanish minor. He absolutely loves dogs and probably procrastinated in writing this article.