Sarah Cate Pfister

Year: Third
Major: Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Columbus, OH

What is your biggest goal for USG in the 2014-2015 Academic Year?
My goal is to increase USG’s presence on social media in order to better publicize the work that we do and improve the public image of the group.

Other campus positions outside of USG: 
SWE Public Relations Director, WISER member

Prior USG experience / initiatives undertaken
USG Student Life Committee member, initiatives include tobacco policy, KSL Collaboration Station hours extension, security alert information updates; USG PR Committee, initiatives include revamping Twitter and Facebook, filming and producing the USG Elections video for Spring 2014

What is the biggest issue you see your position having to face? How do you specifically plan on tackling it?
The biggest issue for engineering students at Case seems to be advising. Until larger changes can be made, I want to improve and expand the per advising event for engineers. I envision a more structured experience, ensuring that we have a broad range of experiences and majors, so that everyone has a resource for information.