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Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Kassie Stewart: CWRU is more than just the stereotype

Kassie Stewart August 28, 2015

On Monday I had my last first day of school. I woke up, worked out and went to class just like any regular day that I have had here at Case Western Reserve University. But this time, I felt different....

This Summer: Grow your own, buy from your neighbor

Kassie Stewart April 24, 2015

We all know what’s in the coming months. No classes, warm weather, good tans and lots of summer food classics. Now some of you may be thinking ice cream, but for me summer is a time for gardens to grow...

Going green takes on a new meaning

Kassie Stewart February 20, 2015

If you have not noticed already, Facebook has turned green overnight. All around the social media site within our community and beyond, there has been an overwhelming change of profile pictures, shares...

A vote of no confidence for voter turnout

Kassie Stewart November 14, 2014
Across the CWRUniverse

Finance over fitness

Kassie Stewart October 17, 2014

No, CWRU is not notorious as a supergroup of bodybuilders, but many of our students choose to take advantage of the facilities that we pay for with our outstanding private school tuition. I’m not going...

Yickety-yak, stop talking back

Kassie Stewart September 12, 2014

If you have been anywhere on Case Western Reserve University’s campus the past few weeks, I’m sure you’ve read the news. Bad news though: It’s not news at all. It’s gossip (mostly espoused by...

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