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Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Richard Read makes a snakebite from stout and home-brewed cider.

Cider, perry and Snakebites

Mike Suglio, Staff Reporter April 22, 2016

As the semester comes to an end, so do my reviews of local breweries. Like this time last year, some new breweries may come to fruition by the end of this year, and some may emerge from under-the-radar....

The small-scale brewery prioritizes quality and unusual brews.

Lakewood’s Bottlehouse Brewing offers beer, mead

Mike Suglio, Staff Reporter April 7, 2016

Lakewood is the shining star of Cleveland suburbs. Many suburban hangouts offer the same American family dining where waiters with tons of flair offer you a plethora of domestic beers alongside various...

Sibling Revelry Brewing changes the market

Sibling Revelry Brewing changes the market

Mike Suglio, Staff Reporter March 3, 2016

It has been roughly two years since this column first started. Breweries continue to pop up and sadly some I have reviewed have closed. The laws of supply and demand inevitably eat up some breweries due...

New brewery Brick and Barrel offers a laid-back environment in the historic Flats district.

Pass the suds… From Brick and Barrel

Mike Suglio, Staff Reporter April 23, 2015

My parents always spoke fondly of the Flats. When they were roughly my age, they met at the flagship restaurant and bar, Fagan’s, which had a large blue neon above its entrance and gently reflected on...

Brew Mentor brings visitors into the beer-making process, among other beverage-making activities.

Pass the suds…

Mike Suglio, Staff Reporter February 13, 2015

For craft beer nerds, Brew Mentor brewery is nirvana. The educational do-it-yourself experiences allows you to sip new brews and learn how to make your own. Located in my hometown, Mentor, Ohio, about...

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