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Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

The only lesson that matters

Andrew Breland April 24, 2015

College faculty have a reputation for being liberal. This is a reputation that, in many ways, they earn, and in some ways, seek out. However, it is also true that most colleges keep around one or two faculty...

Hart Crane and his promise of imagination

Jacob Martin April 24, 2015

A path once weaved through the Freiberger Field where the iridescent window walls of the Tinkham Veale University Center now stand. I walked that way to class often as a freshman in 2010, relishing the...

What we lack

Andrew Breland and Jacob Martin April 17, 2015

In March, University of Oklahoma President David Boren summarily expelled two members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity for a racist chant. Similarly, last month, Bucknell University President John...

On friendship and love

Jacob Martin April 10, 2015

There will come a time when someone you truly love will simply not be in your life like they once were. They will remain in your life but only at a distance. All humans will experience this at some point...

Administrators: fix Clark Hall and give KSL money

Jacob Martin April 3, 2015

The end of this semester marks a roughly three-year stretch of Clark Hall’s status as “under construction.” I still don’t understand why there is green scaffolding obscuring the entrances around...

In response to “How do I adult” and “When we’re too afraid to fight back”

Jacob Martin March 27, 2015

To the editor, Last week in “How do I adult? Case Western Reserve University doesn’t teach life skills,” Zak Khan wrote, “Despite all of my schooling, I never learned how to function … No...

Greek Life: The monster under the bed

Jacob Martin March 20, 2015

In the Feb. 13 issue of this paper, Director of Greek Life Mark Starr was reported as saying that it was The Office of Greek Life’s goal to see 51 percent of campus going Greek. The reporter continued...

‘Rape culture’ or just ‘culture’ part II

Jacob Martin January 30, 2015

On Dec. 7, 2014, Slate published an article entitled “The College Rape Overcorrection,” by Emily Yoffe. Its abstract read, “Sexual assault on campus is a serious problem. But efforts to protect women...

‘Rape culture’ or just ‘culture’?

Jacob Martin January 23, 2015

I spent most of my freshman year partying. (I leave it to the reader to discern the meaning of the term partying.) I distinctly remember finishing classes at 4:50 pm on Friday and proceeding directly to...

Life and college: dancing with ourselves

Jacob Martin December 5, 2014

As finals encroach, the true colors of each class year always shine through. Freshmen still feel the novelty of college life, and their naïveté breezes pungently through the air. When they go home, it...

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