The End of the F***ing World” is actually pretty good
“The End of the F***ing World” was definitely an interesting show to watch at the beginning of the year. With a stellar soundtrack, a dynamic plot and solid character development, the show turns a dark comedy into a fun and crazy adventure. The show censors its own title.
Based on a 2013 comic book and originally produced by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, the Netflix show is a short eight episodes and tells the story of two teens in the south of England who run away one weekend. James (Alex Lawther), a self-professed psychopath, meets Alyssa (Jessica Barden), a rebellious classmate with issues at home, and goes out with her. When she suggests that they run away together, he agrees, secretly waiting for the opportunity to kill her一because that’s what psychopaths do. As their plan goes sideways in some of the most creative but believable ways, we see who James and Alyssa truly are and why they are the people they are.
Lawther and Barden deliver pitch perfect performances, and their chemistry makes the show. While Lawther’s James is not as relatable一his clinical and detached thirst for blood is interesting if not accessible一he is funny, and Lawther does a good job at showing James’ gradually growing affection for Alyssa. On the other hand, Barden is just as good, portraying Alyssa’s hard, angry exterior as well as her softer, more vulnerable side.
The writing, helmed by Charlie Covell, is also great. Viewers get to hear James and Alyssa’s internal monologues, which reveal facets to their personalities that may not be visible on the surface. Also, as the story gets increasingly dark, and Alyssa and James’s relationship gets more and more complicated, the Covell writing still manages to maintain a comedic tone.
With its ambiguous conclusion, the show definitely leaves viewers wanting more, so some may want to wait until the show is picked up for a second season before watching. Some may also be shocked by how different the first episode is from the last. But despite its open ending and the characters’ questionable morality, thanks to its writing and the actors’ performances, the show is a black comedy at its peak.
Show: “The End of the F***ing World”
Network: Netflix
Release: Jan. 5
Rating 4 out of 5

Smruthi Maganti is a third-year student studying biology with a minor in public policy. After a year of copy editing, this is her first year as the A&E...