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Thwing Study Over to provide students much-needed break this Sunday

Thwing Study Over (TSO) is back again for fall 2010. Students looking for some last minute relaxation before the onslaught of final exams will find a wide array of options this Sunday, Dec. 5 in Thwing. The event will run from 8 p.m. to midnight, with food arriving every half hour from many area favorites. Caterers include Tommy’s, Pizza BOGO, Jimmy John’s, Dunkin Donuts, and the Cheesecake Factory.

“The student body expects a place where they can go to get their mind off of finals and get a lot of free food,” said junior Colleen Hosler, one of the event’s committee members. “I feel like most students come for the food and are pleasantly surprised with everything else that is offered.”

Like last semester, 1-2-1 Fitness will be offering free massages in the Spartan room to all who sign up on TSO’s website. Undergraduate Student Government (USG) will also be there with proposals for the new University Student Center design. Students can offer feedback on the current design options while enjoying USG’s root beer keg. The University Programs Board will be sponsoring a henna artist, cash vault, spin art, and a photo booth. Other activities include tie-dye t-shirts, make your own stressball, legos, and poker.

While TSO presents a chance for students to shift their attention away from work, its organizers gather data and feedback all throughout the evening. Attendees must swipe their ID cards not just to gain access to the wealth of free food, but also to let the committee know what kinds of students are here. Compiling demographic information such as male to female ratio and underclassmen vs. upperclassmen attendance is important for planning. It enables the committee to tailor TSO’s assortment of activities to attract the most students possible. Those who swipe their ID cards will also be emailed feedback forms to facilitate planning for the spring edition.

Attendance is expected to be about the same as the past few semesters, but this time students may have an extra incentive to attend. “Since TSO is the evening before a reading day this year, no one should have the excuse that they have a final the next morning,” Hosler said.

Sunday’s TSO offers more activities and involves more student organizations than ever before. Not only can students enjoy a brief respite from laboring over all they’ve learned this semester, but they can also help direct Case Western Reserve University history by helping select the design for the Student Center. So take a break from studying, indulge in the expanse of free food and drinks, and relax while you still can.