Town Hall speaker series moving to CWRU campus

Case Western Reserve University will now operate “The Town Hall of Cleveland” speaker series, the nation’s longest running speaker series to this day. The speaker series is now newly named “The Town Hall of Cleveland at Case Western Reserve University.”

While there were no specific reasons given for this move, The Plain Dealer has speculated that it could be due to the financial difficulties that the Town Hall organization has experienced. This was evident from their IRS tax filings in 2011 and 2012.

According to The Plain Dealer, in 2011, The Town Hall showed a $47,549 deficit, despite the contributions they had in grants and in revenue. In 2012, The Town Hall still did not receive enough to cover its expenses, showing a $15,463 deficit.

Programs, which were once in Ohio Theater Playhouse Square, will now be moved to CWRU’s Tinkham Veale University Center, which opens in August.

Mark Olson, chair of the Town Hall of Cleveland’s executive committee, said that they are pleased to have CWRU as a partner and are looking forward to working with the university through the transition period.

CWRU president, Barbara Snyder, said that the university is proud to have to continue the program and looks forward to individuals sharing their ideas and experiences with the campus constituents and the community.

The 2014-2015 series will open with Gloria Steinem, a writer, lecturer, and activist, who is already in a partnership with the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women. The university will announce other speakers over the summer.