Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative to join SEC
The Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative (UDC) will be joining the Student Executive Council (SEC) beginning next semester, per the results of a campus-wide referendum that ended on April 24.
The SEC is made up of the umbrella organizations on campus, including the president and finance chairs of Undergraduate Student Government (USG), the University Program Board (UPB), the University Media Board (UMB), the Class Officer Collective (COC), the Interfraternity Congress (IFC) and Panhellenic Congress (PHC) and the Residence Hall Association (RHA), as well as representatives from off-the-tops Springfest, Senior Week and Thwing Study Over (TSO). They manage the allocation of the Student Activities Fee (SAF), the approximately $171 per semester that each student pays on top of tuition.
The UDC will encompass organizations that fit under the eight diversity pillars: ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic class, race, sexual orientation, ability and age.
UDC will be a voting member beginning in the fall, but they will not have an allocation. This will be reconsidered in the spring.
In order to pass, the referendum needed at least 25 percent of the student body to vote, with at least two-thirds approval. The referendum got 1,193 votes (of the 1,146 needed) and passed with a 71 percent margin.

Julia Bianco is a senior cognitive science and political science student currently working as The Obsever’s Director of Web and Multimedia. She has...