USG Election Guide 2017: Anshul Dhingra

Name: Anshul Dhingra

Year: Second-year

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Running for: Chief Judicial Officer


What are your plans for this position?

This year we had a vast number of issues that came to the Judicial Board, and I was able to see how all of them were handled. I also noticed some issues in the process of problems coming to J-Board and how promptly these issues were resolved, which is something I definitely plan on fixing if given the opportunity to serve as the CJO.


What are your plans for enforcing USG bylaws?

This year we had a vast number of issues that came to the Judicial Board, and I was able to see how all of them were handled. I also noticed some issues in the process of problems coming to the board and how promptly these issues were resolved, which is something I definitely plan on fixing if given the opportunity to serve as the Chief Judicial Officer.


What bylaws, if any, do you think need changing?

At this time, I believe it is more an issue of making sure all students voices are heard and that the USG is representing all students on campus instead of just a select majority. All arguments should at least be heard, and then the organization’s decision should be made according to the bylaws.