USG Election Guide 2018: Priyal Chadha
Name: Priyal Chadha
Year: Third-year
Major: Economics and business management
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Relevant Experience: Five semesters on the University Student Government (USG) Finance Committee, three semesters as USG treasurer, Co-founder and previous Co-President of AMWHO
Running for: Vice President of Finance
What are your specific plans for this position?
My specific plans for this position include (1) faster and more transparent reimbursements with a reimbursement tracker, (2) more support for new and small organizations with the help of trained finance representatives to aid in programming and advertising, (3) more non-financial resources to all student organizations such as better facilities, (4) individualized support and funding for each organization so each organization can decide and act on their own set of unique values.
What areas of student groups at CWRU would you consider to be a priority in terms of funding?
I think the areas that create an experience within events. For example, students are not going to remember the Guy’s Pizza they got for free at an on-campus event, but they will remember the pictures they took, the activities they did and the time they spent with other students. I believe that the funding should focus on creating memories and experiences from the event. Since experiences really differ among the different student organizations on campus with their varied goals and interests, the priority should be determined on a case-to-case basis. I think the priority should be wherever the student organization believes their priorities lie for their event. For some events, such as Case For Sight’s Dinner in the Dark, the food is the central point of the experience. Whereas for others, such as Undergraduate Indian Students Association’s (UISA) Holi, the colored powder is the central point.
How will you work with student groups beyond just finance related issues?
I will try to create a Finance Committee that contains representatives trained in methods of advertisement and successful programming for student organizations. This will allow student organization leaders to gain advice from multiple representatives if they want it. Additionally, allowing more representatives to be trained in Tapingo allows for a faster turn-around time for organizations to use this serve. Lastly, I will work on Thwing Center Storage throughout the semester to ensure that it is a neat and sustainable location where student organizations can keep their belongings. One way to do this is to create an inventory log of each organization. This will keep track of capital purchases but also the items within Thwing Storage so the space does not become abused.