Volleyball Slips Against Nationally Ranked Mount Union

Charlotte Palmer / Observer

Lauren Gurd, serves in Wednesday night’s match versus Mount Union. The Spartans fell to a 4-5 overall with a loss.

Katie Weiser, Contributing Reporter

The volleyball slipped to an under .500 record with a loss against nationally-ranked Mount Union University. The team fought hard for each point, but was unable to topple the aggressive offense and blocking of the Purple Raiders. Losing in straight sets, the Spartans didn’t get many opportunities to gain momentum as the Mount Union team dominated the net and played with very few errors. However, the team did make a few scoring runs in each of the sets before falling off with set scores of 19-25, 14-25 and 13-25. Notable players included sophomores Haley Kauffman with five kills and Katie Best with eleven digs.

The team looks to bounce back from this defeat with the Mount Union Purple Raider Classic this weekend where they will face off against Transylvania, Kalamazoo, and Hanover.