What do CWRU students think of the election?

With the presidential election a month away, concerns, anxiety and arguments prevail on college campuses across the United States. Not an exception, Case Western Reserve University is full of discussions on the two candidates, their policies and the future of this nation. Through volunteering at the vote registration stations, directly participating in a candidate’s campaign or expressing their political views to their friends, many CWRU students are actively involved in this election. The Observer interviewed some students to grope an understanding of students’ opinions to this election. Here is what they say:

“I’m scared.”

“I’m anxious.”

“We have to really work hard and use our voice in this election to show everyone that people are human beings no matter what race, color skin, gender and place they come from.”

“I’ve seen many people become desensitized from all the events leading up to the election. We must stand together and be aware that our country is strong and can be stronger by supporting democratic values that benefit all citizens.”

“Voter participation is vital and the ultimate outcome of this election depends on how people will use their own platforms to ensure that everyone feels safe and happy under a deserving and trustworthy president.”

“We learnt throughout our lives to respect others, treat people the way we want to be treated and to value our differences. But still a person who defies everything this country stands for got a nomination from one of the country’s strongest parties and is endorsed by numerous amounts of people.”

“There is a sense that America has been culturally ripped into two parts because of both the candidates. We need to recall this country’s history and how we have reached this point in order to support a candidate who is reassuring our growth positively who I really believe is Hillary Clinton.”

“I feel like I’m at the center of American politics right now because of recent debates between [Hillary] Clinton and [Donald] Trump. There’s just so much chaos. There was no respect for the questions or time limits that each candidate was given, and at times I felt that I was watching two people fight rather than debate on the process of being selected president and acknowledging citizens’ questions on important matters.”

“We need to be united for this election as a student body. Most of us are frustrated with the turnout of who is running for the [Republican Party] and some are frustrated with both candidates because of their past actions and standpoints, but we have to turn this frustration into cooperation and strength.”

The majority of responses from CWRU students were synonymous to being fearful. On one hand, division is a prevalent feeling for many students in election, which prompts some to call for greater unity and solidarity. On the other hand, most students emphasized the importance of voting and using personal social media as a platform to increase political participation. To many, this is the first time for they have a chance to participate a presidential election. Uneasiness is not uncommon among students, some of whom choose to address their concerns through actions. CWRU students, together with over two hundred million other voters in this country, are contributing their unique voices and efforts to this political spectacle.