Case in Point’s final concert hits both high and low notes

Acapella group Case In Point’s final concert on Dec. 5 started off at a high note with the opening notes of “Eet.” With a lovely melody and accompanying harmonies, soloist Kate Mieth had a powerful voice that really drew in the audiences’ attention. Yet right after this lovely song came “Rockstar,” a song that fell flat for me. The song was clearly not their strongest one, lacking the definition and sound of their other ones.

This trend continued on to their next piece, “Just the Way You Are,” but this was not the fault of the group. With just one microphone between the main duet, it was hard for them to get the volume they needed to shine in front of the at times overbearing background.

The final three songs of the first act definitely redeemed the group, however. Jeffrey Hsia’s voice was simple yet had the intended affect for “Let Her Go,” followed by Justin Wang in “Hallelujah,” one of my favorite songs of the night. The piece was a beautiful arrangement with harmony that was well complimented by the bass section and Wang’s voice. Following up, “Set Fire to the Rain” was strong, yet lacking. The soloist, Jennifer Kowalski, had a powerful voice, one quite suited for this song, yet when she sang, she lacked the emotion needed for Adele’s songs.

When the second act started, it was not the strongest start. “I Want You Back” was not the best arrangement and lacked the energy and vocals needed.

Following this, the rest of the act was composed of mashups and medleys, some that frankly could have been left as standalone songs. In “Love My Style,” a mashup of “Love Me Harder” by Ariana Grande and “Style” by Taylor Swift, Mieth stunned again with her vocals and ability to hit notes in the “Love Me Harder” section as well as freshman Aidan Klemm’s tenor voice; however Cydni Kesson’s part in “Style” felt more like talking and took away from the mashup.

The next two mashups, “Oops! It’s Gonna Be Me” and “Stand By All of Me,” were similar in that they should have been left as standalones. The microphone situation with the duets made it difficult to hear to main parts over the background. There were also problems transitioning between the songs within the mashups, leading to sections where the group was off key.

Ending the concert was a “Frozen” medley. This medley definitely displayed the best vocals right from the opening, with harmonies drawing in the audience. The medley was funny and did a great job of showing of some of the singers’ strong suites, but there were parts that held back the group and were even cringe worthy.

All in all the concert was an enjoyable musical experience. The group clearly has talent, but could still do with some more practice and arrangements better suited for their vocal abilities.

Performance: Case in Point Final Concert

Location: Harkness Chapel

Date: Dec. 5, 2015

Rating: 3.5/5 stars