Matthew Newcomer


Matthew Newcomer (Chief Judicial Officer)

Name: Matthew Newcomer

Year: Junior

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Running for: Chief Judicial Officer

What are your plans for this position?
As CJO, I would like to continue the work of my predecessor by ensuring that all members of USG are held to our standards, and that we abide by our bylaws at all times. It is not uncommon for a bylaw to be broken, simply because the transgressor does not know it exists. I would attempt to impose a more uniform understanding of these regulations.

What are your plans for enforcing USG bylaws?
If elected, I plan on spending summer break closely studying the USG bylaws and looking for areas that I have seen infractions in the past, so that I will be able to easily identify and correct them in future USG conduct, or, if deemed necessary by myself and my judicial committee, will seek to have them amended to reflect the current opinion. Additionally, as a voice on the Executive Committee, I would pay special attention to the activities of all subcommittees, ensuring that they all fully understand the limitations imposed by our bylaws.

What bylaws, if any, do you think need changing?
I believe that the funding bylaws should be amended to permit treasurers to vote on budget allocations in finance committee meetings. Currently, because they are internally elected, they are not allowed to vote in General Assembly, but they are permitted to vote in committee meetings deemed relevant, according to our constitution. However, the Funding Bylaws state that only those elected by the student body can vote on funding decisions. I think this should be changed because Treasurers often have the best understanding of the issues at hand, they are already allowed to vote in Executive Committee meetings, and the General Assembly appoints new students to vacant positions who are then given full voting privileges, despite not being directly elected by the student body.