Property Management Apartments no longer on-campus housing option
The Property Management Apartments offered cheaper housing options for upperclassmen.
With the new residence hall opening for the upcoming academic year, the Property Management Apartments (PMAs) will no longer be available as on-campus housing for undergraduates and graduates.
The PMAs were meant to provide overflow student housing for upperclassmen and graduate students. They include the Twin Gables, the 1719 Building, the Noble Building, the 1727 Building, the 1680 Building and houses on Fairchild and Glenwood.
“While owned by the university, these apartments more resemble off-campus housing with regard to the programs and services that students in residence halls and the Village at 115 experience,” said Director of Real Estate Kevin Slesh in a statement.
The PMAs provided a slightly cheaper on-campus housing option for upperclassmen. Apartments in the Village at 115 ran from $10,090-$11,410 per year in the 2014-2015 academic year, depending on how many rooms there are. The property management apartments range from $9,390-$10,930 per year, depending on location.
Student reaction is mixed regarding the loss of the apartments as a housing option.
“It is unfortunate that Case Western Reserve University is replacing the property management apartments with a new expensive residence hall,” said Angie Korpusik, who has lived in the PMAs for two years. “The property management apartments provide the only cheap on-campus housing for juniors and seniors, and I think it is important for students to be able to choose that option.”
The PMAs will return to their original status as off-campus housing, although they will still be owned by CWRU.

Julia Bianco is a senior cognitive science and political science student currently working as The Obsever’s Director of Web and Multimedia. She has...