SLJC’s Student Advisor of the month

Skip Begley is the Assistant Director of Residence Life and Services here at CWRU. In this role, he works with the Second Year Experience supervising the coordinations, oversees graduate staff selection and training, and provides support for students. The Student Leadership Journey Council (SLJC) would like to recognize Skip as the Student Advisor of the month. As an advisor, Skip spends countless hours in RHA Executive board meetings, in individual meetings with RHA Executive Board members, and in RHA General Body meetings, as well as working with Residential Coordinators and Assistant Coordinators to ensure the Community Councils are running smoothly.

As an advisor, Skip has spent this year pushing RHA to evaluate where we stand and make changes in order to grow. Skip describes his advising style as Socratic, meaning he asks questions that encourage discussion and allow students to come to their own conclusions. No role comes without challenges, though. Skip says that his greatest challenge is understanding that school comes first for the students he works with. The work that RHA does is valuable to the community, but not everything is accomplished because students have to prioritize their studies. However, he also finds his role extremely rewarding. He says that RHA keeps him looking forward, as well as challenges him to see CWRU as the students see it.

SLJC is a group dedicated to creating a community among student organizations and student leaders. They  work with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership to provide resources, support, and recognition so that our community will grow.

If you know anyone who is deserving of this award, please contact Mary Engardio at mre36@case.eduÂ