Student leader of the month: Jonathan Siu

SLJC awards

The Student Leadership Journey Council is proud to recognize its next notable student leader on Case Western Reserve University’s campus: Jonathan Siu. Siu is a senior from San Francisco majoring in psychology and economics. On campus, he is a resident assistant for the Mistletoe Residential College, President of Greek InterVarsity, a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity and a volunteer at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. In the fall, he will be attending Vanderbilt’s Peabody College pursuing a Masters in Higher Education.

Q: What outreach activities or programs have made the greatest impact on you?
A: Over the summer, I worked as a missionary in Ghana for three months. Reflecting on my field work for the past year and what I have experienced during my past three years at CWRU, I realized my true calling. The journey to Ghana was the beginning of developing my career in higher education. I would say placing myself in uncomfortable situations challenges me the most.

Q: How have your leaderships skills impacted the organizations you are involved in?
A: As a resident assistant, I learned to support the transitioning of students within the first year experience. I spearheaded a program called Bro Talk, an event providing an open, nonjudgmental environment for male students to openly speak about their values including cross cultural awareness, spirituality, sexual orientation, gender sensitivity, etc. Within the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, my position as the Membership Orientation Officer prompted me to instill full integrity toward our fraternal values for the new member classes that I was in charge. My goal has been to empower those groups in realizing their potential and their mission fields.

Q: What inspires you to be an involved leader on campus?
A: When making such decisions, I ask myself who do I want to serve and how do I want to serve them. It is as simple as that. Before you graduate, start leaving some fingerprints on CWRU. Start serving and committing. Wise words from a graduating senior.