Smith: Trump’s emergency is another misguided negotiation
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• February 22, 2019
Smith: Is another government shutdown on the horizon?
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• February 1, 2019

Smith: Shutdown woe
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• January 25, 2019
Smith: Appreciating Armistice Day
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• November 30, 2018
Smith: A mid-semester reflection
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• November 2, 2018
Smith: In response to a rather difficult Saturday
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• October 12, 2018
Smith: “Indelible in the hippocampus”
Josiah Smith, Staff Columnist
• October 5, 2018
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