Weekly Spot Nights are back
Neon Indian performed at one of this semester’s monthly Spot Nights, which UPB will be changing to a weekly event next semester.
In the good old days, Spot Night was weekly. Every week, music would blast from the musicians practicing their songs. Walking down the steps to The Spot was an experience. Each step vibrated with the music. Every step got you closer to the beat. The steps led you to all the excitement.
Students relied on this event to let out their energy and have fun. However, for Fall 2015, the University Program Board (UPB) decided to cut their premiere event from weekly shows to monthly shows. UPB explained how this cut was an effort to reduce over-programming on campus.
Spot Night regulars were outraged. How dare UPB suddenly change Spot Night? No longer were students able to read the weekly UPB newsletter and scroll to the announcement of the Spot Night artist in anticipation. No longer was The Spot blasting with music every week. No longer were students having fun and silly dancing in the dark concert atmosphere of The Spot.
It was a sad and long semester to get through. But now Spot Nights are back to their weekly format due to high demand. “We have feedback from campus. They miss the weekly Spot Nights” said Kapil Patki, UPB’s director of concerts.
For Spring 2016, there will be three big Spot Nights and 10 weekly Spot Nights. UPB aims for the big Spot Nights to draw in about 300 students with bigger artists, such as past performers Danny Brown, Neon Indian and American Authors. And UPB aims for the weekly Spot Nights to draw in about 100-200 students with fresh and new artists. UPB hopes that with its new format, students could get what they want and the best experience possible. “It really is a win-win situation. We will now have the flexibility to move forward,” said Patki.
Now, every week as students walk down the stairs to The Spot, they will hear loud music playing again. They will feel the excitement in the air as they approach the doors of The Spot, and will see the warm and friendly smile of a UPB member telling them to enjoy the show as they swipe IDs. Just for an hour or two, students will forget about that big test next week or that big paper they need to finish by 11:59 p.m. on Monday. Just for a while, everything will be okay as they hang out with their friends and listen to the music.