The value of learning at CWRU

There are many things that people don’t like about Case Western Reserve University. Often, these views are expressed here in the opinion section, as writers give their opinions about issues on campus and problems they see with the school or people at the school. Many students are also critical in my graduate program, but it is difficult to constantly hear people complaining about the program and the school. Evaluating life and your surroundings is important and a part of critical thinking. I am critical of CWRU and anyone who knows me probably knows that throughout my 5 years here I have not always had the best experiences. However, I still appreciate everything I have learned from CWRU and the quality of the education I receive. It is true that CWRU has problems and things to improve, but there is still the need for respect for professors and peers in the learning environment. Not only is respect important, valuing education itself is just as important.

School is hard, and there is no getting around that especially here at CWRU whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. Sacrifices have to be made to get all of the work done, especially during finals. To me, this is a normal part of not only finals but also higher education. It is tiring and frustrating in the moment, but it is rewarding in retrospect. Complaining to professors about the amount of work is not the way to learn and to grow as a student and a person. After completing such a rigorous course load, looking back at what you are capable of is a very rewarding feeling, especially at commencement when you get your degree.

No matter what problems you might have had with the school, graduating is an amazing accomplishment that everyone should be proud of, no matter what school they have attended. CWRU is known for its academic seriousness, and is therefore given more recognition by some in the professional world. It is something to show off with pride when applying to jobs and networking with other people.

When I graduated last year, I was very sentimental about my time as an undergraduate, and I still find times now where I surprisingly miss certain aspects of it, despite how hard and unpleasant school felt throughout most of my four years. I wish that I had appreciated more about the school and am learning to not make that mistake again as a graduate student. No matter how frustrated I get with some of the issues with classes, advisors or the administration, I know that in my career I will be respected for both of my degrees from CWRU and am ultimately getting a highly valuable education.

Abby is a graduate bioethics and social work student.