2019 USG Election Preview: VP of Academic Affairs
The Vice President of Academic Affair represents the undergraduate student body on affairs related to academic affairs. The VP of Academic Affairs gathers the undergraduate student body’s opinion on academic issues and works with administrators to resolve these issues, including the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Jeffrey Wolcowitz), the Provost (Ben Vinson III) and the deans of each college. The VP of Academic Affairs also represents the undergraduate students on the Faculty Senate. Within USG, the VP of Academic Affairs also serves as the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. Academic affairs issues include courses, student academic programs (such as Support of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors) and the Provost’s Commission on the Undergraduate Experience.
Bidisha Raychaudhuri
Bidisha Raychaudhuri is running unopposed for Vice President of Academic Affairs. Raychaudhuri is currently serving as a College of Engineering Representative. As VP of Academic Affairs, Raychaudhuri hopes to decrease student stress through collaborating with the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Education (FSCUE) as well as with other student organizations (such as University Program Board and Residence Hall Association (RHA)) and by working with the Student Life committee in order to restructure UCS to better fit the needs of students. In addition, Raychaudhuri hopes to increase outreach between students and the administration by collaborating with the Public Relations committee to gather student issues to bring to FSCUE through monthly town halls and direct email contact.
Click on the banners below to learn more about the candidates for each of the positions:
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