2019 USG Election Preview: VP of Finance

April 16, 2019
The VP of Finance serves as the liaison between USG and USG-recognized student organizations as well as USG’s chief financial officer. The VP of Finance also presents funding legislation to the USG General Assembly and ensures USG’s Funding Bylaws are abided by. Additionally, the VP of Finance is responsible for each semester’s Mass Funding period. During this time the VP of Finance needs to advertise funding deadlines, be available to answer clubs’ questions and facilitate the funding appeals process. The VP of Finance also manages the treasurers within USG and chairs the Finance Committee.
Hunter Stecko
Hunter Stecko is running unopposed for the Vice President of Finance position. Stecko is currently serving as treasurer within USG. As Vice President of Finance, Stecko aims to decentralize the reimbursement process to the members of the Finance Committee and shifting the Treasure role in order to serve a club advocate role, allowing for better communication with club leaders, transparency and smoother service. Stecko also supports efforts to increase accountability into club funding and require club usage of CDEP debit cards. Stecko also plans on introducing meritocracy and accountability into club funding, which he plans on using in order to reward the clubs based on merit, rather than knowing how to navigate the funding system.
Click on the banners below to learn more about the candidates for each of the positions: