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Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Case Western Reserve University's independent student news source

The Observer

Jessica Yang

Jessica Yang, Director of Web and Multimedia

Jessica Yang is a second-year Biochemistry and Psychology double major student. In her spare time, she enjoys watching movies, reading books and fan-girling over BBC’s Sherlock. Email Jessica at

All content by Jessica Yang
Used to be called University Hospitals Case Medical Center, UH has dropped the Case appellation from its name.

[Photo] Less food, same price?

Muyin (Mia) Huang, Contributing Reporter
October 7, 2016

Reasons to write

Jessica Yang, Social Media Editor
October 3, 2014

Author Zadie Smith to speak at CWRU

Jessica Yang, Staff Reporter
September 26, 2014
The Cleveland Museum of Art recently chose its 10th director after an international search.

CMA chooses new director

Jessica Yang, Staff Reporter
May 23, 2014
A walk down Euclid, a step into Paris

A walk down Euclid, a step into Paris

Jessica Yang, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2014
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